The First House:
The first house (ascendant / lagna) represents your body, physique, appearance, intellect, complexion of body, vigour, weakness, happiness, grief, and innate nature.
The Second House:
The second house represents your wealth, grains (food etc.) family, death, enemies, metals, precious stones, etc.
The Third House:
From the third house, you know about servants (attendants etc.) brothers, sisters, etc., initiatory instructions (Updesha) journey, and parent’s death.
The Fourth House:
Conveyances, relatives, mother, happiness, treasure, lands, and houses are to be consulted through the fourth house.
The Fifth House:
The learned should be deduced from the fifth house amulets, sacred spells, learning, knowledge, sons, royalty (or authority), fall of position etc.
The Sixth House:
Maternal uncle, doubts about death, enemies, ulcers, step mother etc. are to be estimated from the Sixth house.
The Seventh House:
Spouse / partner, trade, loss of sight, death etc., be known from the Seventh house.
The Eighth House:
The eighth house indicates longevity, battle, enemies, forts, wealth of the dead and things that have happened and are to happen (in the past and future births).
The Ninth House:
Fortunes, wife’s brother, religion, brother’s wife, visits to shrines (pilgrimage), etc., be known from the ninth house.
The Tenth House:
Royalty (authority), place, profession (livelihood), honour, father, living in foreign lands and debts are to be understood from the 10th house.
The Eleventh House:
All articles, son’s wife, income, prosperity, quadrupeds etc., are to be understood from the 11th house.
The Twelfth House:
From the twelfth house, one can know about expenses, history of enemies, one’s own death etc.