Nabhasa Yogas

Below are 32 Nabhasa yogas  which have a total of 1800  different varieties.

These consist of 3 Asraya yogas, 2 Dala yogas, 20 Akriti yogas, and 7 Sankhya yogas.

Asraya Yogas of Nabhasa Yogas Description Results
Rajju Yoga All planets in moveable signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn) cause Rajju Yoga. One born in Rajju yoga will be fond of wandering, be charming, will earn in foreign countries, and be cruel and mischievous.
Musala Yoga All planets in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) cause Musala Yoga. One born in Musala yoga will be endowed with honour, wisdom, wealth etc., be dear to king, famous, will have many sons and be firm in disposition
Nala Yoga All planets in dual signs (Gemini, Virgo, Saggitarius, Pisces) cause Nala Yoga. One born in Nala yoga will have uneven physique, be interested in accumulating money, very skilful, helpful to relatives, and charming.
Dala Yogas of Nabhasa Yogas Description Results
Maala Yoga If three angles (1, 5, 9) are occupied by benefics then Maala Yoga is produced. One born in Maala yoga will be ever happy, endowed with conveyances, robes, food and pleasures, be splendorous and endowed with many females.
Bhujanga Yoga or Sarpa Yoga If three angles (1, 5, 9) are occupied by malefics then Bhujanga or Sarpa Yoga is produced. One born in Sarpa (Bhujanga) yoga will be crooked, cruel, poor, miserable and will depend on others for food and drinks.
Akriti Yogas of Nabhasa Yogas Description Results
Gada Yoga If all planets occupy two successive angles (1-4, 4-7, 7-10, 10-1), Gada Yoga is formed. One born in Gada yoga will always make efforts to earn wealth, will perform sacrificial rites, be skilful in Shastras and songs and endowed with wealth, gold and precious stone.
Sakata Yoga Sakata Yoga occurs when all planets are disposed in the ascendant and the 7th house. One born in Sakata yoga will be afflicted by diseases, will have diseased or ugly nails, be foolish, will live by pulling carts, be poor and devoid of friends and relatives.
Vihanga Yog If all planets confine to 4th and the 10th, then Vihanga Yoga is formed. One born in Vihaga yoga will be fond of roaming, be a messenger, will live by sexual dealings, be shameless and interested in quarrels.
Sringataka Yoga All planets in the ascendant, 5th, and the 9th cause Sringataka Yoga. One born in Sringataka yoga will be fond of quarrels and battles, be happy, dear to king, endowed with an auspicious wife, be rich and will hate women.
Hala Yoga When all planets are in the 2nd, 6th, and the 10th -or- in the 3rd, 7th, and the 11th -or- 4th, 8th, and the 12th, then Hala Yoga is formed. One born in Hala yoga will eat a lot, be very poor, be a farmer, be miserable, agitated, given up by friends and relatives and be a servant.
Vajra Yoga Vajra Yoga is caused by all benefics in the ascendant and the 7th -or- all malefics in the 4th and 10th. One born in Vajra yoga will be happy in the beginning and at the end of life, be valorous, charming, devoid of desires and fortunes and be inimical.
Yava Yoga All benefics in 4th, and 10th -or- all malefics in ascendant and the 7th cause Yuva Yoga. One born in Yava yoga will observe fasts and other religious rules, will do auspicious acts, will obtain happiness, wealth and sons in his mid-life, be charitable and firm.
Kamala Yoga If all planets are in the Four angles, then Kamala Yoga is formed. One born in Kamala yoga will be rich and virtuous, be long-lived, very famous, pure, will perform hundreds of auspicious acts and be a king.
Vapi Yoga If all planets be in all the cadent houses (3, 6, 9, 12) or in all the succedent houses then Vapi Yoga is formed One born in Vapi yoga will be capable of accumulating wealth, be endowed with lasting wealth, and happiness and sons, be free from eye afflictions and be a king.
Yupa Yoga If all the planets are in Four houses, commencing from the ascendant they cause Yupa Yoga. One born in Yupa yoga will have spiritual knowledge, be interested in sacrificial rites, endowed with a wife, be strong, interested in fasts and other religious observations and be distinguished.
Sara Yoga If all the planets are in Four houses, commencing from the 4th house they cause Sara Yoga. One born in Sara yoga will make arrows, be head of prison, will earn through animals, will eat meat and indulge in torture and mean handiworks.
Shakti Yoga If all the planets are in Four houses, commencing from the 7th house they cause Shakti Yoga. One born in Sakthi yoga will be bereft of wealth, be unsuccessful, miserable, mean, lazy, long-lived, interested and skilful in war, firm and auspicious.
Danda Yoga If all the planets are in Four houses, commencing from the 10th house they cause Danda Yoga. One born in Danda yoga will lose his sons and wife, be indigent, unkind, away from his men, miserable and will serve mean people.
Nauka Yoga If all planets occupy the seven houses from the ascendant, Nauka Yoga occurs. One born in Nauka yoga will derive his livelihood through water, be wealthy, famous. wicked, wretched, dirty and miserly.
Koota Yoga, Chatra Yoga, Chapa Yoga Koota, Chatra, Chapa Yogas occur respectively when the commencing houses are the 4th, 7th, and 10th.

Here again, planets should occupy seven continuous houses.
One born in Koota yoga will be a liar, will head a jail, be poor, crafty, cruel and will live in hills and fortresses.

One born in Chatra yoga will help his own men, be kind, dear to many kings, very intelligent, be happy at the beginning and end of his life and be long-lived.

One born in Chapa yoga will be a liar, will protect secrets, be a thief, be fond of wandering in forests, be devoid of luck and be happy in the middle of his life.
Ardha Chandra Yoga The Seven planets occupy the seven contiguous houses starting from houses other than the kendras. One born in Ardha Chandra Yoga will lead an army, wilt possess a splendorous body, be dear to king. be strong and endowed with gems, gold ornaments.
Chakra Yoga If all the planets occupy six alternative signs commencing from the ascendant, Chakra Yoga is formed. One born in Chakra yoga will be an emperor at whose feet will be the prostrating kings heads adoring gem-studded diadems.
Samudra Yoga Samudra Yoga is produced if planets occupy similarly six alternative signs commencing from the 2nd from the ascendant. One born in Samudra yoga will have many precious stones and abundant wealth, be- endowed with pleasures, dear to people, will have firm wealth and be well-dispose.
Sankhya Yogas of Nabhasa Yogas Description Results
Gola Yoga If all planets are in one sign, then Gola yoga is formed. One born in Gola yoga will be strong, be devoid of wealth, learning and intelligence, be dirty, sorrowful and miserable.
Yuga Yoga If all planets are in two signs, then Yuga yoga is formed. One born in Yuga yoga will heretic, be devoid of wealth, be discarded by others, and devoid of sons, mother and virtues.
Soola Yoga If all planets are in three signs, then Soola yoga is formed. One born in Soola yoga wilt be sharp, indolent, bereft of wealth, be torturous, prohibited, valiant, and famous through war.
Kedara Yoga If all planets are in four signs, then Kedara yoga is formed. One born in Kedara yoga will be useful to many, be an agriculturist, be truthful, happy, fickle minded and wealthy
Paasa Yoga If all planets are in five signs, then Paasa yoga is formed. One born in paasa yoga will be liable to be imprisoned, be skilful in work, be deceiving in disposition, will talk much, be bereft of good qualities and will have many servants.
Daamini Yoga If all planets are in six signs, then Dama yoga is formed. One born in Daamini yoga will be helpful to others, will have righteously earned wealth, be very affluent, famous, will have many sons and gems, be courageous and red-lettered.
Veena Yoga If all planets are in seven signs, then Veena yoga is formed. One born in Veena yoga will be fond of songs, dance and musical instruments, be skilful, happy, wealthy and be a leader of men.

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